Contact information

We do not have a shop. In case you want to visit us, please call for an appointment.
By phone
Phone + 31 (0)40 2130 186
On Tuesday and Friday morning, 09.00 to 12.30 and on monday and Thursday afternoon 13.30 to 17.30 (all CET).
Outside these hours you will find an answering machine, willing to take your message.
By fax
Fax + 31 (0)40 2130 187
By mail
- Info for general questions or information.
- Orders for (questions about) orders.
- Webmaster to report browsing problems with our website.
- Newsletter to apply for our newsletter.
Spam & response
Given the amount of spam we receive, it is possible that your mail doesn't come through. Besides spam, the amount of Email is growing as the business is growing as well. We try to answer mail within 4 days. If you haven't received an answer within 4 days, please send your mail again, call or fax.Always provide your mail with a sensible subject like tubes, jitter or modification. Mail without subject is rejected by the spam filters.
As our business is closely related to DIY, we are willing to support technical issues, as far as answers can be given in reasonable amounts of time. It helps if your questions are explicit and supported with attached circuit diagrams with clear references.Communication
When using email, please be clear and specific, supply contact data and country of origin, and assure that the "from" field in your Email program contains your name and family-name.Return of goods
In case of defects, goods shall be returned to below address. Always include:- Return shipping address
- Your contact details in case of questions
- Copy of original invoice
- A detailed description of the observed problems, and a sketch of the application
Company details
Guido TentTentlabs
Zandven 6
5508 RN Veldhoven
The Netherlands
Parking space is free on our premisses.
COC Eindhoven 17163976
VAT NL143095018B01